Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Common Thread...

Judi, of East Hartford, comes from a family of seamstresses. Her grandmother had ten children and made all their clothes. Her mother sewed for her and her two sisters. She, in turn, sewed for her children. Hence, the common thread...

Now that Judi is retired, she and her sisters get together for "sister weekends," taking turns going to each other's homes, carrying their sewing machines with them. There they sew together, sharing in each other's projects and talking about new ideas that they have dreamt up.

Judi tells me her "creations are original, coming from my thoughts and efforts" as she strives for quality in her work. Most of her projects evolve from her imagination. When she sees something in her head, she has to make it "because it doesn't go away until I create it." Sometimes it drives her crazy, she explains, but it always gives her a sense of satisfaction once something new has been made.

Judi's got it bad... This love of sewing crafts, embroidering, making clothes, mending and quilting things. She's not alone either, her sisters have got it, too. I can almost hear them chuckling when they get together.

Judi's lastest creations include her line of pouches, and I can't help but love the Hearts and Flowers, a long strap pouch which consists of embroidered, lined, denim jean pockets with a zipper. You gotta see this! Truly a must-have accessory...

A full line of scarves is available, most made with silk-blend material, as well as a series of whimsical, yet practical, pincushions to brighten a sewing corner. It's not surprising that she offers something for her fellow seamstresses!  In addition, Judi has created her own line of place mats that come in sets of four. These colorful mats are edged-stitched and bring beauty and compliments to a table.   

The latest idea Judi turned out is definitely something that you will never see anyplace else. It's a game just perfect for a Valentine's Day gift -- handmade game of Tic-Tac-Toe with a Valentine theme. The Os are hearts, the Xs are kisses with a heart in the middle. These make up the game pieces. The board is imitation white leather embroidered in red with velco squares. '"Be the first in your neighborhood to have one"...

What an imagination this gal has...

Jimmy Halloran is Co-Owner of, an online retailer featuring handcrafted items made in Connecticut.  /  860.942.7571  / 
PO Box 26 Hampton, CT.

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